Copper CRM

Create and manage Copper CRM webhooks in HookActions. You can connect your Copper CRM account by providing your API key. Your API key is encrypted at rest in our database.

Account connection

Copper CRM accounts

Connect to any Copper CRM account. If you have multiple accounts, you can connect them all. HookActions supports unlimited Copper CRM account connections.

Webhook creation

Create webhook

After you've connected your Copper CRM account, you can create webhooks for any available Copper CRM webhook event. These include:

  • new
  • update
  • delete

These events are available on the following entities:

  • lead
  • person
  • company
  • opportunity
  • project
  • task
  • activity_log

Please be aware that Copper CRM does not support HMAC signing of webhooks. They do support sending a secret value in the body of the webhook.